Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy

Gargrave Bowling Club has considered its responsibilities to the vulnerable adults and young people participating in bowls on our premises and within our club very carefully and has produced the following Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and underpinning procedures in order to set out the standards we wish to uphold in providing activities for children and safeguarding the welfare of children in our care.

Gargrave Bowling Club affiliates to the National Governing Body and the club recognises the policies of their Governing Body, as set out in the “Safeguarding Bowling Guidelines”.

Gargrave Bowling Club acknowledges its duty of care to safeguard the welfare of all young people (defined as those under 18), and all vulnerable people involved in bowls within the club. Everyone has the right to protection, and have their needs considered.

Gargrave Bowling Club will therefore endeavour to ensure the safety and protection of everyone involved within the club through the guidelines adopted by the Management Committee of the club. It is the responsibility of everyone within the club to assist the Committee in this endeavour. 

2.    Policy Aims

3. Principles

           The Children Act 1989 and 2004

           Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015

           The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

4. Responsibilities and Communication 

5. Monitoring and Review

6. Your Safeguarding Officers are:    Judith Haigh and Andy Sylvester

Mobile:      Andy - 07706 747870
