Crown Green Etiquette

Laws of the Game

The full rules and laws of the game of Crown Green Bowls  are set by the British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA) and can be found at 

Crown Green Etiquette

At Commencement of Game

At the start of the game players should introduce themselves with a handshake; find your marker and make sure they know who you are. Markers should make themselves known to each other.

The footer mat should be placed one metre from the edge of the green. The foot corresponding to the bowling arm must be placed on the mat. The player bowling the jack should show it to their opponent and allow them to determine which bias is being used.

Game/End in Progress

During the game you should allow your opponent a view of the line taken by the jack and only bowl when the previous bowl or jack has stopped running. Once bowled no attempt should be made to affect the running of any bowl and if you wish to follow up your bowl you must do so without obstructing the view of your opponent. You must keep clear of the "Jack Line" to avoid distracting your opponent, who is about to bowl.

Non-playing players and spectators are allowed to give advice but must do so from off the playing surface. The players playing, the measurers and any referee are the only ones allowed on the green.

The player who arrives at the "head" first should not obstruct the opponent's view or stand directly behind the jack.

If you intend to "strike" or "fire" at any time during an end, then you must warn your opponent and take every precaution before striking to prevent injury to any other party located within the "danger area". Safety is your responsibility.

Be aware of other games in progress at the same time as yours. In general it is better to walk round the outside of the green but if you walk across it remember to walk briskly and tread carefully.

Conclusion of an End

At the conclusion of an end, do not move any bowls claimed to count before agreeing with your opponent. If measures are required you should stand away and let the measurers get on with it. Signal your score to your marker only when conceded by your opponent.

Succeeding End

To start the next end the leader must place the footer mat within one metre of the spot where the jack layat the previous end but not within one metre of the edge of the green.

If the leader fails to set a mark for any reason, then the opponent must play from the footer position chosen by the original leader.

End of Game

Accept defeat gracefully and always offer congratulations to the winner at the end of the game


Have respect for your opponent and refrain from any adverse comments during the game.

Mobile phones are not allowed on the green and smoking is not allowed while participating on the green during a game


Etiquette also embodies sportsmanship. For example: if a running bowl is impeded after going beyond the head or is so wayward that it runs into another head, the laws of the game would allow such a bowl to be replayed. Would this be taking an unfair advantage where none was intended by the laws of the game? On this and other similar occasions sportsmanship should prevail and players should forego the right to replay such a bowl.